Welcome To Ms. Jacobsen's U.S. History Page.

Welcome to Ms. Jacobsen's U.S. Histroy Page! My goal is to provide you with the best possible learning experience and to keep you updated and informed about the class. I hope you will use this site to help you better understand and enjoy the class. Thanks for dropping by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011


CA State Standards:
11.8. Students analyze the economic boom and social transformation of post- World War II America

You will examine how the Cold War affected both American and Soviet culture in the 1950s.

Warm Up:
Watch the cartoon video clip Meet King Joe to get an understanding of how propaganda was used to influence one way of life over another.  As you watch consider the images that are used, the comparisons that are made, and what the intention or purpose of the cartoon is. 

Historical Background:
In the United States, Americans quickly adjusted to a consumer economy after World War II. Advertisements encouraged Americans to invest in homes, televisions, and kitchen appliances. However, Americans were also worried about the spread of communism. Many advertising campaigns and magazine articles tried to persuade Americans that the availability of consumer goods proved the superiority of the American way of life. In the Soviet Union, which suffered tremendous damage to its economy during World War II, state sponsored propaganda campaigns claimed that the nation resulted in prosperity and happiness for its citizens. The campaigns criticized capitalism in the West for problems such as war, unemployment, exploitation, and racism.
Using the links provided on the left and the images provided below, study the advertisements, articles, comics, and photographs from American magazines and television during the 1940s and 1950s. 

Consider the following questions as you examine each resouce.

The United States
·         Which photograph best summarizes capitalism and/or democracy in the 1950s as you  understand it?  Who are the “heroes” of these advertisements?
·         Which photographs celebrate life in the United States?
·         Which source contains a critique of communism and/or the Soviet Union?
·         Do you think these images accurately depict life in the United States in the 1950s?
·         Do these images leave any group of Americans out of the picture?

The Soviet Union
·         How do the posters best summarizes communism as you understand it?
·         Who are the “heroes” of the posters? Who are the “villains”?
·         How do the posters celebrate life in the Soviet Union?
·         How do these posters criticize capitalism and/or the United States?
·         Do you think these posters accurately depict life in the Soviet Union?

Post Assignment/Task:
You will examine different sources that were created to convince U.S.  & Soviet citizens that their nation’s way of life, whether democracy or communism, was the best way to achieve happiness.  Look beyond the obvious and identify the purpose of the images not just what you see.

Your task is to respond to this post by writing a paragraph in which you compare and contrast the American images and the Soviet images.

Check propganda paragraph rubric link to the left to review grading standards

POST DUE DATE:  Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Assignment Value:  25 Points

Extra Credit Extension:
  1. Creat your own American product advertisement and Soviet propaganda poster. 
  2. Write a paragraph for each image you create explaining why you decided on the images you selected.   How does the poster and advertisement reflect each nation’s beliefs and strengths?
  3. Turn your extra credit posters and parapgraphs in to class on Wednesday 3/30/11.

1950 GE Kitchen Appliances #008011
61 90x90 Neat Anti Communist Propaganda Before and During the Cold War

Anti American


